Ground Water Canada

News Canadian Ground Water Week
Groundwater Awareness Week begins Monday, March 11

Special week encourages public to protect vital source of clean water

March 6, 2024  By Ground Water Canada

Monday marks the start of Groundwater Awareness Week – a special week observed throughout Canada and around the world that recognizes earth’s primary source of clean water.

The week – which is commemorated annually during the first full week in March – encourages everyone to be aware of the need to protect groundwater sources used for drinking, agriculture, cooking and other necessities of life.

Some water facts:

• Although 71 per cent of the earth’s surface is water, only one per cent of that is usable.

• Ninty-nine per cent of the earth’s usable water is groundwater.

• About 43 million American’s get their water from groundwater wells.

As the world’s population grows, so, too, does the need for clean drinking water and the likelihood for contaminated groundwater sources.

Groundwater Awareness Week is sponsored by the National Groundwater Association.


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